Queen Studio is a multi-brand showroom, which represents clothing and accessories brands at national and international level. A creative space in Rome committed to retail as well as to style creators, it integrates its potential with the main players of the fashion industry around the world.
Ivano Reali, founder and CEO, focuses the current trends into a single hub, creating a peculiar mix of tradition and innovation. Thanks to an in-depth knowledge of global fashion trends, Ivano Reali is constantly engaged in leading Queen Studio towards new challenges.
We catch and interpret the best artistic expressions of different designers; in this way, thanks to our dynamic staff of fashion buyers and style advisors led by their passion for art and fashion, we can anticipate fashion trends.


Our main aim is to enhance every single brand’s distinctive standing as well as to offer a unique experience to our retail partners, attended by an attentive team in charge of all showroom and brand relationship activities, focusing on the attention to detail and complying with deadlines.
Our open space showroom was built with black & white tones in order to draw attention to collections in a peculiar way through the singular play of lights and shadows.
Our minimalist location is able to boost the value of each cloth, allowing collections to express themselves because of bright designers’ art.
We aim to consolidate our presence in Italy as a strategic hub between brands and retailers, by listening to and interpreting all the needs of our business partners, season by season.


ivano reali

Ivano Reali, born in 1977, has always been passionate about fashion and brand culture. These passions along with his entrepreneurial mindset led him to develop a solid business, first starting as a brand account and then – in a short time – becoming real businessman.When he was just 18, he started his journey around the world looking for innovative styles. He discovered places and cultures that represent the cradle of new fashion trends: London and New York. They were the milestones of a professional journey made of fabrics, cuts and outfit combinations following each other in the urban jungle, between fashionable showcases and fast styles trends.

As soon as he came back to Italy, Ivano started working for a well-known fashion showroom thanks to which he developed its curiosity and attitude for the industry, by approaching to it like a typical 22-year-old boy.

This experience allowed him to refine its personal taste as well as to improve its visionary skills and its peculiar perception of brands born for success.

In 2001, the passion for this world encouraged Ivano Reali to launch his first showroom of clothes and accessories for men and woman in Rome. Just few years later, the “Queen Studio” concept came to life, along with a new way to imagine fashion trends.

Today, Queen Studio is the best place to find several creations by excellent stylist, top of mind brands along with emerging creators. In addition, it is only run by young talents, who are constantly growing and focusing on retailers’ needs.We work together with the best designers as well as top brands in the fashion industry on a global level, offering a practical method to develop challenging projects by ensuring the brand expansion into the top fashion Italian boutiques.

Our Retailer network, not to mention our marketing and public relation department, are condensed in a strategic mix of activities, aimed to strengthen brand awareness and related positioning strategies within the retail world.

Copyright © 2017-2022 | Queen Studio S.r.l. |
Via San Romano di Garfagnana, 40/42
00148 Roma (RM)
Cap. Soc.: euro 10.000,00 i.v. | Nr. REA: RM 1167219 | N. Iscr. Reg. Impr., C.F. e P.IVA: 09497231002
Tel.: +39 06 42990028 Email:info@queenstudio.it